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We build on top of Odoo and Google Addons, so some limitations may apply. See here the list of these limitations and the way to go around them.

Odoo Limitations :

Requesting timeout – each request is handled by a worker, and the workers have some limitations on CPU time, execution timeout, and memory usage. You can read the configuration documentation of Odoo.

Google Limitations :

Limitations bound to each user account

200 Emails per user and per day – an email is counted for each person in recipients or any person subscribed to the diffusion group
6 hours of cumuled automatic refresh time per day and per user

Note : You can share your license with other users, increasing total limitation by each user. We are currently working on a way to easy see and change the owner of a document.

Limitation on any sheet
  • Up to 5 million cells for spreadsheets that are created in or converted to Google Sheets
  • 40,000 new rows at a time
  • Maximum number of columns of 18,278 columns
  • 1000 characters per cell (data longer than that will be truncated)
Limitation on data retrieval
  • 50 Mb of transfer size per request (you can try on large datasets to filter by date or record id)
  • 100 000 calls per day
  • 6 minutes per manual refresh (time include the request execution from Odoo, the transfert time, and the update/compute time in gsheet)

You can find out on this page more details about each quota